The Flower Communion is the traditional last service of our church year. Flower Communion was initiated in 1923 by Norbert Capek who founded the Unitarian Church in Czechoslovakia. Capek saw the need to unite the many congregants of his church who came from diverse backgrounds—Protestant, Catholic and Jewish—without alienating those who had left these traditions. Therefore, instead of the Eucharist, he honored the universal beauty of nature by having a communion of flowers.
Our tradition is to bring flowers from our gardens, or wherever, and place them in a common vase at the front of the meeting room. For our virtual gathering we ask you to bring flowers to share their beauty with everyone. If possible, please put the flowers where we can all see both you and the flowers.
Following our Flower Communion Service, we will break from services for the summer. Services will resume on the first Sunday after Labor Day and, hopefully, we will hold our traditional Mingling of the Waters service at our regular meeting place. We wish everyone a safe and healthy summer.