Karen Wills, Acting Director of the Minnesota Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Alliance, will share what she has been learning as an organizer from the Boomer generation working with Millenials, Gen-Z, and youth in political and issue-oriented efforts. The agism that young people encounter, and the agism that elders encounter, hampers and diminishes us all. Whereas there is no greater joy, in her experience, than working together in coalitions that embrace and leverage our different gifts to overcome our different challenges.
Karen (she/her) is a “born and bred” Unitarian Universalist, whose mother was a California UU organizer. Her fathers were gay rights activists. Karen has attended 13 different UU congregations in Boston, Pasadena, Chicago, Iowa City, Provincetown, and Minnesota. She spent many years volunteering as a religious education teacher and youth advisor. For example, she taught “Our Whole Lives” in Rochester, MN; “Neighboring Faiths” and “Coming of Age” at First Universalist in Minneapolis; and “Beloved Conversations” at Minnesota Valley UU Fellowship in Bloomington, MN.