The New Morality: How can Unitarian Universalists respond to changes in what it means to be a good person in the 2020s                                                                                                                                             

(In-person at Mano a Mano, or on Zoom)                           

Presenter: Reverend Phillip Lund

Moderator: Huron Smith

Phillip Lund has twenty years of experience serving congregations in the areas of faith formation and spiritual growth, first as a religious educator in Bloomington, Indiana, New … read more.

Flower Ceremony

Hybrid (In-person at Mano a Mano, or on Zoom)

Presenter: Ceile Hartleib

The Flower Ceremony, sometimes referred to as Flower Communion or Flower Festival, is an annual ritual that celebrates beauty, human uniqueness, diversity, and community. In this ceremony, everyone in the congregation brings a flower. Each … read more.