Our Governance
Groveland Fellowship has a formal structure, outlined in our bylaws. Often, however, within such a small community as ours many people informally share various responsibilities.
The Officers of Groveland Fellowship are the President (Chairperson), the President-Elect, the Secretary and the Treasurer who are elected at the annual meeting, held in June. They are elected by and from the congregation. These officers hold their offices for one year and until successors are selected. All officers must be at least 18 years old and active members of Groveland Fellowship.
The annual business meeting is held each year in June at such time and place as designated by the President (Chairperson). The President (Chairperson) may call a special business meeting at any time. Other meetings of the congregation are determined by the officers or by the congregation. Meeting agendas will be set forth five (5) days before a called meeting. Twenty (20) percent of the active membership constitutes a quorum.
Our bylaws can be read here: Groveland UU Fellowship Bylaws